SeasideGlamour | About Tanja aka Seaside Glamour
Wonder who SeasideGlamour is? My name is Tanja, I am 25 years old and in love with fashion. I am currently working on my career as a presenter, fashion blogger and YouTuber and take part in the upcoming RTL Show Deutschlands schönste Frau with Star Designer Guido Maria Kretschmer. SeasideGlamour by Tanja is a personal fashion and style blog created in 2014 that aims to invite you into my world inspired by fashion, beauty, music and travelling.
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About Seaside Glamour

Who is Seaside Glamour?

My name is Tanja, I am 25 years old and in love with fashion. I was born in Stralsund, but currently living in the beautiful German city of Leipzig. I studied my other passion Media with Journalism in Nottingham and for my Masters degree I studied Marketing Communications in London. After 4 amazing years in England I decided to go back to my home country and worked for the internationally known fashion brand Abercrombie & Fitch for over two years.

After my time in Munich, I am now back in Leipzig working on my career as a presenter and style blogger and took part in the recent RTL Show Deutschlands schönste Frau with Star Designer Guido Maria Kretschmer.

SeasideGlamour by Tanja is a personal style blog created in 2014 that aims to invite you into my own world inspired by fashion, beauty, music and travelling.

Why Seaside Glamour?

Now, this is not merely a name that I created to start my blog and online persona. It’s a name that has been part of my life since 2004, when I first encountered a band called The Delays that had just released their first ever record called “Faded Seaside Glamour”. This album has been one of my favourite albums ever and I always felt there was something magical about the name of the record and of course their music. I also felt it was fitting to my own being – a little dreamy, mesmerizing, enthusiastic and bohemian. So as a result my first ever e-mail address began with the words “seaside glamour”, any social media profile that I created from then onwards was called seasideglamour… leaving out the “faded” to make it my own inspired nickname. When I decided to start my own blog I did not have to think about finding a suitable name – it was just crystal clear to me. Seaside combines my love for traveling (usually to the seaside) and Glamour is the fashionable side of me. There you go – name found! xx

Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. Coco Chanel

Wer ist Seaside Glamour?

Mein Name ist Tanja, ich bin 25 Jahre alt und in love with fashion. Gebürtig stamme ich aus Stralsund, aber meine Heimat ist die aufstrebende Metropole Leipzig. Im Studium habe ich mich für meine andere Leidenschaft entschieden, nämlich Medien & Marketing. Meinen Bachelor habe ich in Media with Journalism Studies in Nottingham studiert und später meinen Master in Marketing Communications in London abgeschlossen. Nach 4 Jahren im hippen England bin ich wieder nach good old Germany gekommen um in Leipzig und München als Manager für Abercrombie & Fitch tätig zu sein.

Aktuell bin ich wieder in Leipzig und bastelle an meiner Karriere als Moderatorin, Style Blogger und YouTuber und war außerdem Teilnehmerin der RTL Show Deutschlands schönste Frau mit Star Designer Guido Maria Kretschmer. SeasideGlamour by Tanja ist 2014 entstanden und ein Lifestyle Blog auf dem ich euch in meine Welt der Mode, MakeUp & Reisen  mitnehmen und mit euch teilen möchte.

Warum Seaside Glamour?

Das ist eine wichtige und bedeutende Geschichte um ehrlich zu sein. Der Name Seaside Glamour ist nämlich nicht nur entstanden weil ich einen Namen für meinen Blog suchte. Seitdem ich 2004 zum ersten Mal das Album “Faded Seaside Glamour” von der britischen Band The Delays gehört hatte, war ich von dem Namen und der Musik so begeistert, dass dieser Name mir lange folgen würde. Ich fand die Musik so passend – magisch, verträumt, happy und bohemian. Also enthielt meine erste E-mail Adresse prompt die zwei Wörter “seaside glamour”. “Faded” hab ich einfach ausgelassen um mir meinen eigenen Namen, inspiriert durch besagtes Album, auszudenken. 10 Jahre später fand ich das Seaside zu meinen Reisen ans Meer passt und Glamour meine Begeisterung zur Fashion Welt ausdrückt. Also – Mission accomplished! xx

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